WLRP – Process Automation

Process automation

Our client had their tour guide scheduling completed manually due to which they lost numerous valuable work hours.

During the process the relevant data was collected manually from multiple sheets.


In the existing Google Sheet we created a custom pop up form where the user was able to generate the schedule by selecting the guide and desired time interval. After confirming the selection the final schedule was generated on a dedicated tab alongside with the relevant data for financial reporting.

Additionally conditional formatting (color coding) was applied to improve tracking of reservation statuses.


By automating the workflow the time required decreased by 80% alongside with the increase of the quality of these schedulings.

0 %
Time spent on work
0 %
Accurate financial reporting

“With the solution from Squery I have a lot of free time again that I spent with this administrative work before. The time saved can be spent on business development.”

Sebődi Tímea

Managing Director

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